
Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

dapet pulsa gratis tis gan !! buruan!

tread ini khusus w buat dapetin pulsa gratis gan !!
pertama klik Daftar! 
kedua isi data agan :D
ketiga Konfirmasi Email + No Telpon
keempat ikuti http://mcent.com/bazaar/offers 'Penawaran Saya'
jadi deh :D

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Encrypt atau Decrypt HTML

HTML Encode & Decode



Hasil Encode / Decode

Post to All Friends and Groups in One Click

A little trick

    • You'll need to use your own facebook application Id in order to post as many as you like, 'couse if you don't you will be limited to only 25 post for each application.
  1. On message Box;
    • When you type :name: it will replaced with your friend/group's name
    • When you type :firstname: it will replaced with your friend/group's first name
    • When you type :lastname: it will replaced with your friend/group's last name
Rand Get Token
Load Now
  1. If you're still wondering on how to get an Access Token from Apps,
    (do I need to explain it again? :P)
    • Put your Apps Id in the Application ID field
    • Click on Get Token button
    • The popup window will shows you any perms to grant, just follow the instructions there
    • At the last window you'll see the share dialog, Don't click on Share button! just Copy the full URL on that window and paste into Access Token box. You may close the popup window after that.
  2. When using SWF Attachment mode;
    • You can search for SWF file URL on Google by typing (for example) inurl:game.swf
    • If you're not adding anything in Picture URL field, we will use your profile picture as your SWF cover.
    • SWF Attachment can only be played on profile wall/timeline.

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Tolak Semua Permintaan Pertemanan?

Kebanyakan friends request juga malah susah taunya,, gak bisa di Add mending kalo yang request orang soleh semua :D yang ada orang aneh kabeh XD ckckk..
At first, this tool will Confirm all friends request you have and then Romoving all confirmed requests after that.
Click here whenever you're ready

Robot Cleaner dan AutoPost on Groups

Sekilas tentang cara kerja script robot ini.

Pertama script akan mengambil informasi details dari Access Token Akun yang dijadikan Robot, membaca apakah Akun adalah Admin dari suatu Group, jika iya maka Script akan melakukan pembersihan Posts/Comments yang dianggap Spam pada Wall Group tersebut sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditentukan.

Setelah selesai dengan pembersihan Wall Group, Script akan melakukan Scanning pada Timeline Akun. Mencari apakah ada Posts/Comments/PhotoTags yang termasuk kriteria spammy (sesuai setting).

Terakhir, Script akan melihat kapan terakhir kali Akun Update Status. Jika terbaca terakhir kali Update Status lebih dari 24 jam yang lalu, Script akan melakukan Update Status pada Akun. Atau jika tidak, Script akan melakukan Posting pada salah satu Group yang dipilih secara acak.

File Tester (.htm)


Untuk keperluan pengenbangan, modifikasi dan lainnya silahkan download dan analisa file ini. Untuk yang mau share hasil modifikasi atau mungkin punya ide/masukan lainnya tentang script ini silahkan upload/share file/ide nya atau jika berbentuk Blog Post atau Article silahkan lampirkan Linknya dikotak komentar dibawah. :)

Contoh Pemasangan.

Untuk pemasangan di widget atau Blog Post atau yang lainnya sebagai contoh bisa dibentuk seperti script dibawah ini..

<script type="text/javascript">
function setinganRobotAing(){
  robot.antiKata=new RegExp("(http://|www.)","i");

Perlu diingat, karena Javascript itu Client Side yang berarti semua proccess dan sourcecode bisa dengan mudah dilihat oleh orang lain khususnya yang mengerti tentang scripting; tingkat keamanan data disini = 0% jadi silahkan pikir-pikir dulu sebelum pasang :)

Copyright on the web seems to be a difficult concept for some people to understand. But it's really simple: If you did not write or create the article, graphic, or data that you found, then you need permission from the owner before you can copy it. Remember, when you use someone's graphic, HTML, or text without permission, you are stealing, and they can take action against you.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Confirm Friend Request in One Kick! (Aiyya!!)

Lumayan Effective buat Approving All friend request, cuman applikasi yang dipake baru nemu Android doang yang bisa begini yang laennya susah, coba deh coba-coba sendiri gonta ganti token dari aplikasi yang berbeda.

If you have lots of friend request on your facebook profile and don't have time to confirm them all, then this tool will help you do it.

First you need to Get an Access Token from Android Application (ID:350685531728), simply click on Get Token button bellow and the popup window will shows you a confirmation dialog.

Click on Confirm button and it will bring you to the next window. Copy the full URL on that window and paste into Access Token box below. You may close the popup window after that.

Access Token: Load Token
Application ID: Get Token

If you're wondering why should we use Android apps on this, well,, as far as i've tried on this method, Android apps is the one that can get read_request permission and also able to perform friend request via the Facebook graph API.

Of course you are not limited to try it out with another different application ids, use your curiosity to explore more and more on this method.

AingCreations © 2012 made this.

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

The Tools

Server ID:
Server Token:

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

bagaimana dengan blog kamu?

test seberapa enteng masuk ngakses blog elo :v
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